Friday 9 January 2009

EU A Totalitarian State In Deed

Courtesy of Prodicus I find this article by Daniel Hannan - well worth reading as it illustrates the 'mind-set' of the European Union.

Having read about the treatment a journalist received in trying to do his job, ie in reporting cases of suspected fraud, asking the 'wrong type of questions' and writing the 'wrong type of articles', then consider:

This from an organisation we, the British public, are being coerced to join by being denied the referendum that we were promised.

This from an organisation that proclaims 'Confirming their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law' (Preamble to the Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union - the Lisbon Treaty).

This from a supposedly democratic organisation (aka, a bunch of crooks) who have not managed to get their accounts fully accepted by auditors for 14 consecutive years.

This from an organisation that litters it outpourings with words like 'Freedom', 'Justice', 'Transparency' and 'Democracy'.

Never mind, if you use the right words often enough, even though there is no practical evidence of their actually being implemented, some poor fool will believe them. When those 'poor fools' do eventually see the light, their reward is being allowed to get their snouts into the communal trough!

As any farmer will tell you, the smell from the trough tends to stick to the pigs!

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