Saturday 10 January 2009

Government and Memory Sticks

I have no idea about why the words Government, Bureaucrats, State Employees and IT just do not seem to 'gel'.

Whilst I am unable to find an on-line link, on page 7 of the print version of the Daily Telegraph, we have the story headlined "Health Worker loses personal records of 6,000 prisoners". The loss of this memory stick, which included some medical records, is compounded by the fact that whilst the data was encrypted, a password to get around the security was attached to the device!

Whilst it is known that criminals liable to suffer harm are subject to 24/7 monitoring whilst incarcerated, perhaps those suffering from any form of dementia, which seems a pre-requisite for employment utilising any form of IT within the public sector, also need 24/7 monitoring?

And I read somewhere, recently, that the Government are in the process of hiring, or have hired, a PR firm to 'sell' us the benefits of an ID card? So our money is to be used to sell us something that we don't want? A perfect example of the 'Alice in Wonderland' mindset of a Labour politician!

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