Saturday 10 January 2009

Incoherent Thoughts?

Firstly let us consider the front page article, under the headline "New deal to rescue army of graduates from dole", that appears in todays Daily Telegraph. Couple that with the 'interview' of John Denham, the Innovation, Universities and Skills Secretary.

Innovation? Skills? Like so many members of the present 'Collection of Clowns', aka the Cabinet, this is the man whose background is purely public sector work-based. Whilst admittedly having a Bsc in Chemistry (level unknown) his work 'experience' comprises President of the Student Union, advice worker for the Energy Advice Agency, transport campaigner for Friends of the Earth, head of Youth Affairs at the British Council, responsible for public education and advocacy for War on Want and subsequently worked for Christian AidOxfam and other development agencies until his election to Westminster. And his 'hands-on' private-enterprise business experience? Exactly!

But I digress, let us return to that font of wisdom and creative thinking, our Innovation, Universities and Skills Secretary. At a time when companies are shedding jobs, public money is to be used to set-up 'internships'* and Ministers hope (my emphasis) that some placements will lead to permanent work and that those taking part will benefit from the experience. In his interview John Denham is worried that, as opportunities shrink and even the Terrible Two (aka Darling Brown - no not an affectionate term for our Dear Leader - Alistair and Gordon!) admitting that their forecasts for recovery were wildly optimistic, this summer we have the largest group of potential benefit claimants leaving university - so called 'graduates' - having undertaken really useful courses like Media Studies. John Denham is quoted as saying "They will be a very big group; around 400,000. We can't just leave people to fend for themselves."

Come on JD-IUSS (can't be bothered with the full-length version - and let us be fair: low level ministerial position = low level version of title) this would have nothing to do with the Government not wanting their jobless figures suddenly inflated by nearly half a million from a source they created, would it? No? Oh cynical me, slapped wrists - or Stupid Boy as Capt. M. would have said. And, on the subject of jobless figures 'spinning' (spinning - geddit?) out of control, JD would not deny that the planned introduction in the school leaving age being raised to 18 in 2015 may well be introduced earlier. Of course, school children aren't counted as unemployed obviously.

*On the subject of 'internships' the Daily Telegraph reports that "While no decisions have been taken, ministers will consider whether government money can be used for the scheme."  Government money? Government Money? Melissa Kite and Rosa Prince, the journalists (so-called) who wrote this article need to be re-educated, methinks. They both, in their ignorance, exhibit all that is wrong, today, with the newspaper for whom they work. Governments don't have money, you silly women, they only have money that we, the taxpayer, has provided - aka had taken from us!

Perhaps if Melissa Kite and Rosa Prince availed themselves of a university place in Media Studies, might they learn the fundamentals of 'proper' journalism?

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