Sunday 11 January 2009

Its That Woman Again - With Apologies To ITMA

Never before, in the field of British politics, can there have been a case of a small woman having such a big mouth! Yes, I am of course referring to the Poisoned Dwarf, aka Hazel, My Dad's got shorter legs than your Dad, Blears (latter title courtesy of Dick Puddlecote). Whilst searching the Telegraph website for another reference, I came across the latest lecture from the carrot-topped midget.

Witness the following extracts:

"Increasingly hard times can give rise to "myths" about immigrants' entitlements which must be challenged if they are not to take hold"

"What worries me is that some people are no longer active participants in their own lives," 

"I just worry that that sense of ambition that people's not there."

Listen dear Communities Secretary, you and your incompetent cohorts, in what you call a government, have created the conditions in which so many of the public are dependent on the government; you and your cohorts have negated any sense of ambition the people had;  you and your cohorts have created the situation whereby foreigners can demonstrate in our streets against views/traditions/beliefs that the majority of the British people hold dear but should we wish to demonstrate against their obvious wish to change our way of life you have the audacity to accuse us of being racist!

May I suggest you adopt that ability possessed by the Cheshire Cat - and on a permanent basis!

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