Saturday 10 January 2009

No! Not Another Red-Haired, Brain-Dead, Vindictive Female

Courtesy of Dick Puddlecote, I came across a post by The Ranting Penguin (language Timothy!) which amply demonstrates the fact that private enterprise is indeed alive and well in the public sector.

Leaving aside instances where we have council officials setting up a private consultancy/recruitment company, we now have this example of misuse of public position.

Misuse, as in having been caught out taking an inappropriate decision the person involved is suspended on full pay! And in what I suppose is meant as a 'mitigating' excuse this council official states "'These are not fit-for-purpose units at all. They are really very cold and you couldn't swing a cat there."

No madam, but they are good enough to house elderly people in; and then charge them rent no doubt!

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