Monday 12 January 2009

The Taxpayer Bails Out The Government - Again!

It must be good to have a job whereby, having made an error of judgement, you can just use someone else's money to rectify your mistake and remain employed.

Having 'cocked-up' the economy, handcuffed the country to a foreign 'regime', turned this country into a 'support service' for the rest of Europe and brought new meaning to the words 'local democracy' (courtesy of the 'carrot-topped midget') it seems we are now paying to rectify yet another of their 'mistakes', namely helping immigrants, unable to find work in this country, to return home. In so doing, we are also paying for short 'awaydays' for some 'charity' worker to accompany them.

Petra Salva, the outreach services manager at Thames Reach, said that most of the immigrants had trades but were unable to obtain work in Britain. “They arrive and the language has got in the way and they don’t understand the system,” she said.

'They arrive and the language has got in the way' - Oh God, another 'brainless wonder'. Look madam, they got here under their own steam, presumably thinking we were all going to learn Polish or Romanian, or whatever, so..............

Personally, I have no objection to providing the means for them to go home, using the cheapest possible option, but I do baulk at also paying for a 'minder' too!

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